Jumat, 28 Maret 2014



 Nama     : Ratih Wulan Sary
 NPM      : 15210665
 KELAS  : 4EA06
1.     George   is cooking   dinner      tonight

      S        V Phase    Comp   Mod of Time
Description : (v phase) because as a verb the aux, as a (complement) sentence of the verb phase, (mod of time) because as time  

2.     We     can     eat lunch   in the restaurant         today

  S           V       Comp          Mod of Place        Mod of Time
Description : (v phase) because as a verb the aux, as a (complement) sentence of the verb phase, (mod of time) because as time 

3.     Hat should have bought gasoline       today

  S            V Phase            Comp   Mod of Time
Description : (v phase) because as a verb the aux, as a (complement) sentence of the verb phase, (mod of time) because as time  

4.     She opened a checking account     in the bank        yesterday

  S       V                  Comp           Mod of Place    Mod of Time
Description, S  because it contains the verb, (mod of place) description place 

5.     He was driving very fast

 S     V Phase    Mod Of Maner
Description : (v phase) because as a verb the aux, as a (complement) sentence of the verb phase, (mod Of Maner)

6.     She drave the car     on the street

  S       V    Comp    Mod of Place
description, S (noun phrase) because it contains the verb, (mod of place) description place

7.     We girls are not going to that movie

      S            V Phase             Comp
Description : (v phase) because as a verb the aux, as a (complement) sentence of the verb phase, (Comp)

8.     The chemestry professor canceled  class     today

                      S                      V       Comp   Mod of Time
Description, S (noun phrase) because it contains the verb, (mod of place) description place

9.     She must have gone    to the bank

  S         V Phase               Comp
Description : (v phase) because as a verb the aux, as a (complement) sentence of the verb phase, (Comp) because as time 

10.       The weather           was   very bad yesterday
            S (noun phrase)       v        Mod of Manner

          Description, S (noun phrase) because it contains the verb, (mod of Manner)  description place 

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